Garlicky Green Beans

Garlicky Green Beans (with Almonds or Mushrooms)
Delicious green beans that can be used as a side for any meal! You can add sliced mushrooms and/or almonds to the dish to make it even more delicious!
- 16 oz frozen green beans (or fresh)
- 1 TB olive oil
- 1 TB grass fed butter
- 1-3 cloves garlic, fresh pressed
- Sea salt & pepper to taste
- 2 cups fresh sliced white mushrooms (optional)
- ¼ cup organic chicken bone broth (optional with mushrooms)
- 1/4 cup sliced almonds (optional)
- Add 1" of water and frozen (or fresh) green beans to the bottom of another large pan and cook on medium until just tender (approximately 10-14 minutes if frozen). After cooking, pour all of the water out of the pan.
- If adding mushrooms, wash and slice the mushrooms, add to a large pan and with organic chicken bone broth and cover. Cook for 8-10 minutes until the bone broth is cooked into the mushrooms.
- Add the mushrooms (optional), sliced almonds (optional), olive oil, grass fed butter, fresh pressed garlic, sea salt and pepper to the pan with green beans and stir. Serve and enjoy!
Adapted from Garlicky Green Beans from The Love of Cooking