Your True Identity in Christ

By |Published On: October 1, 2024|Categories: Blog, Grow in Holiness|

Claiming Your Identity in Christ

Have you ever had your identity stolen? I’m not talking about credit card theft or a cyber-security breach. I’m referring to assumptions and opinions from others about who you are and where you fit in in this world. Today’s society is quick to identify you based on your vocation, ethnicity, age or maybe even your political views.  While all of these things may contribute to who you are as a person, they should never be construed as your identity. As Christians, we know that our true identity is in Christ. It’s not about what you have or haven’t done, it’s about what Christ has done for you. He proclaims truths about who you are to Him.


Who does Jesus say you are?


You were PLANNED.

Psalms 139:13-16

No matter the conditions surrounding your birth, make no mistake about it, you were planned. You are meant to be here at this exact time and in this exact place. God lovingly designed you to be unique and original. There is no one that can take your place.



Ephesians 3:16-19

Christ’s love is higher, deeper and wider than one can imagine. This world has limits. This world has conditions. But Christ dwells in our hearts through faith, and we are gifted an unconditional love that surpasses knowledge.


You are CHOSEN.

John 15:16

Jesus chose you – not based on your merits or credentials, but simply to be in communion with Him. “Abide in Me as I in you.” – John 15:4. You are wanted and loved by God.



Romans 8:38-39

Again, the world will do what it can to put a label on you, but the Sovereignty of God will prevail. Your God-given identity has been distorted by sin, but fear not, the love of the God will reclaim you. You are not to get caught up in the things of this world, but know that God offers you more than this life ever could. God’s love is complete. And you are worthy.


You are STRONG.

Isaiah 40:31

Are you tired? Are you discouraged? In Isaiah 40:31, you are reminded not rely on your own strength, but instead, trust in God’s comfort and care. You are not alone. God will carry you through. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13



1 John 1:9

Jesus doesn’t want us to hide from our sins, or wallow in them. We are to confess them and know we are forgiven. God sent his only Son Jesus so that we would be reconciled with Him. Jesus paid the price, and we are to accept this free gift. Leave shame and sorrow aside, and thank the God for His abundant mercy.


You are FREE.

Galatians 5:1

Once forgiven, we are freed from the slavery of sin. Paul calls us to stand firm in our faith, and resist temptations that pull us back into bondage. True freedom is found in obedience. Don’t be a slave to things that weigh you down. Live light and free. You are God’s righteousness.



Isaiah 44:22

God loves you so much, He refuses to let you go. He sent his only Son Jesus to save you, personally. You have been saved from the pit of despair and are redeemed. You are a new creation. The Holy Spirit resides in you, and you have been cleansed with a healing grace.


You are a CHILD OF GOD.

Romans 8:15

God has claimed you as His own and He delights in you. God encourages you to reach out with a childlike faith and trust, addressing him as “Abba,” an endearing and intimate title. Earthly relationships have ups and downs, but our heavenly Father will never disappoint. His faithfulness is without fail.


You are BLESSED.

2 Corinthians 9:8

Earthly possessions are certainly a blessing, but when we talk about being blessed as a child of God, we are referring to the treasures of Heaven. As it says in James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” As a child of God, you are provided for abundantly.  Our Heavenly Father is tending to your every need, paving the way for your eternal salvation.



2 Corinthians 5:17

Jesus Christ has come to make all things new, beginning with each one of us. Our transformation starts when Jesus begins to reside within us by the power and presence of his Holy Spirit. This transformation is so profound and so complete that it makes us entirely new. Our true identity–the person God planned for us to be–is only found when we are abiding in Him.


Can you identify with the above statements? Do these proclamations ring true to you? If you are having trouble believing any or all of these truths, I encourage you to spend time with God, in scripture and in prayer.  “Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith.” Hebrews 12:2. The more you get to know God, the more He will reveal to you. The closer you get to God, the more you will resemble Him.  And those around you will see Christ in you and through you. “For I have seen your face, which is like seeing the face of God.” Genesis 33:10

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